Monday, August 18, 2008

G.I.H.I List

To give your day a boost, I have decided to share my GIHI list for the week. I'm sure the items on this list will make you just as excited about life as they have made me, but if not...well tough cookies. Tackle that one later. Ahem....
This week's Top 5 GLAD I HAVE IT List:
1.) my puma tennis shoes. White with a brown streak (?, that sounds bad...) on each side. Leather, hence unstainable and a good choice for puddle jumping. Flat, and heavenly-esque comfort. They go with everything...jeans, khakies, sparkly evening wear. They are definately my first choice for days I will be on my feet all day. Wait...that's most days. One more reason to love my pumas. Oh, and the laces are my cats' source of endless entertainment, should the shoes ever make it off of my grateful feet.
2.) my earbud headphones. Escape from things less pleasant. Enough said.

3.) my cellphone. More than three years old (ANCIENT!), a lovely, scratched up hand-me-down from a generous husband. It not only hosts endless photos of my cats (no, not yet obsessed....) but also endless numbers of people I have the best intentions of calling. Someday soon dear friends. I promise. I am also grateful for the nifty texting feature, which those who know me especially well have noticed I may/or may not, have a bit of a rambling problem. I know, I should really tone it down. But its just sooo hard!

4.) My daily planner. Just because I haven't written important events/appointments/dates, etc. for the past year or three does not mean it is not important to me! It's just good to know I have it with me, should I need it. You know, just in case.

5.) Olive Zucchini Spread. A recipe that a dear friend went out of her way to photocopy for me today. It not only looks fantastic and includes most of my favorite ingredients (like artichoke hearts),'s the includes a request for 18 garlic cloves. EIGHTEEN. And its a spread, so it goes on bread. God's gift to humanity. Garlic and bread. That alone is enough reason to give the recipe a try. So thanks for that gift. You know who you are.

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